Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

1. What is most important in curating an art show?

2. What are some of the struggles you face when you put an art show together?

3. What is the communication with the artist like?

4. How do you normally get someone to sponsor or contribute to the museum?

5. How do you personally start withbcreating an art show?

6. How do you normally come across different concepts?

7. If circumstances allowed it, what is one big change you would enact for the museum?

8. How do you normally handle customers or artists whom are very high strung?

9. What advice would you give to someone going into the field?

10. What do you think is the most important role within a functional museum?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 Hours Check

1.)  I am doing my mentorship at the American Museum of Ceramic Arts.

2.) My contact is Susan Reed. She oversees the advertisement of AMOCA and their day to day activities.

3.) I have a total of 60 Hours and 30 Minutes recorded.

4.) The amount of service that I have done was and is very helpful to the betterment of my project. It helped me to understand how many small jobs go into making a museum run, from seeing how the organizational structure for each piece that is cataloged is made, to applying for grants and using connections and networking like its your best friend. I have seen a lot of things happen in this tiny museum, and it has truly been an exciting experience. I hope to continue learning from my time of being an intern there.