Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog #25: Mentorship


Mentorship Log

Angie Reyes - (909) 499-8664
Nicole Frazer - (909) 706-1085
Susan Reed - (626) 380-5785

Interpretive: (What is the most important thing you have gained from this experience. Why?)

   The most important thing that I believe I have gained from this entire experience is the knowledge of how every single aspect of the museum works. I have been able to work every side of the museum since I have been here. From loading objects, to cataloging and storing the art pieces. I have seen the spread sheets that are used to identify specific art pieces, taken the pictures needed for the spreadsheet, filled out the forms needed to get rights to specific art, etc. etc. I have experienced the manual labor, the computer labor, the photography and curatorial labor, and many other types. With this experience I have gotten to have a full understanding of what goes into maintaining an institution like a museum. For that, I am forever grateful. Without my mentorship, I wouldn't know half of the hidden gems of knowledge that I have found on the way. It has truly opened doors for me, and allowed me to see more into the way the art world honestly is.

Applied: (How has what you have done helped you answer your EQ? Please explain.)

    Having gone through so much work and discovery at my internship, I was able to figure out my answers very easily. In this line of work, I realized three things: My coworkers were crazy, A museum is hard work to keep up to date, and that Customer bonds are the most important things to a museum. I learned this answer through spending time and observing what my coworkers did for the customers. Recognizing names, giving tours, hosting talks and having schools come to visit. It was honestly the most humbling thing seeing so many people from all walks of life come together for the sake of education. If it weren't for this mentorship, I would have never known how awesome it is to be offered a piece of art from a girl scout as you helped her slave over it for weeks. I would have never experienced the tedium of everyday work and how after a long while, seeing it come together into a whole culminated show. Being able to say: I helped make this happen, was the best experience I could have ever asked for, and aside from helping me answer my EQ, it helped me to become a more proactive person in the end. I feel that this portion of the senior project helped me grow as a person the most, and become a more active citizen within the community now. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog 24: Exit Interview Questions

1.) What is your essential question? What is the best answer to your question and why?

My essential question is: " What is more important in curating a successful art show?" My best answer turned out to be: "Take into account how the customer views the art show as a whole."As an art museum, you are expected to present the art in a meaningful and aesthetically pleasing way. The best way to be able to know if your job was successful, is to watch the reaction of the audience. By viewing, I mean that they are able to understand the concepts and main theme. 

2.) What process did you take to arrive at your answer?

   To answer a question like this specifically, the process that I went through was one of self discovery. When I started off at AMOCA, I believed that museums of art were a much higher functioning entity. However, when I began to see the inner workings, I realized how much the museum focuses on the everyday people in hopes of drawing them in. For some reason I had a crazy idea that there was a committee of higher-ups that museums were trying to please. I was sorely mistaken after watching my first show turn (German Mettlach Ware). I witnessed the museum doing so many community outreach projects and collaborations, without one suit in sight. I feel that I have learned so much from being able to see both sides of the museum world. I have been able to experience it as a customer from my senior project, and also was able to experience the actual work that comes from behind the scenes. So with the culminated view of what I would see through the eyes of a customer, and as an art curator, I believed that this would be the best possible answer. 

3.) What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?

   One of the biggest problems that I faced throughout my entire senior project was the fact that when I had gotten my internship, I was given completely unrelated tasks. I decided that rather than complain about it though, I would just stick it out. After all, they were gracious enough to offer me an internship, who am I to complain and become picky about the extra work that they were providing? So I believed in that motto for several months, and finally branched off from photography. They had me in the photography lab for the longest time, but then realized that I had other talents. As I got to know them gradually, I started to explain my senior project more in depth with them and gave them a real explanation as to why I was there. Immediately after that, they started giving more important jobs once I had gained the trust of the employees. Now I am happy as to where I am within AMOCA, and I feel that I wouldn't have gotten there were it not for the hard work I had done beforehand trying to gain the trust and respect of the employees first. 

4.) What were the two most important sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

    There were two important sources that I utilized the most whilst doing my senior project. The first one was a book called: "Gallery Management" by Rebeca Zelermyer. This book was extremely influential by altering the way I approached my question. When I was originally approaching it, I was thinking in terms of, what would mean the best possible outcome for the museum? But with this book, I learned that it is much more important to satisfy the customer rather than the needs of the museum. After all, the museum is sustained by these people. The customers are the life force of an institution like this. If the public interest in art were to decrease suddenly, then there would be no grounds for these institutions to stand upon. The entire business would be forced to crumble. So, pleasing the people or at least intriguing them to the point of wanting to come is the biggest prerogative.
   The second source which I found immensely useful was the interview that I had with my fourth person, Quinton P. Bemiller. He is the curator of the Cal Poly museum, and I was lucky enough to catch him at the right time. With his wonderful advice, I was able to draw the conclusion even further that the customer base is something that I should really pay attention to. For example, most of his main points were about finding the right location for your museum, and then making sure the people would show up. It was all about population and showing towards a specific demographic for him as well. I had the same conclusions from my other interviewees as well. 

5.) What is your product and why?

   My product is the ability to determine what is a quality museum setup and not. When I first would go to a museum, my eye would be drawn to what the curator wanted me to see. It was manipulated, and I never truly saw the entire exhibit. Now, after having so much experience about these kinds of things down to what type of paint you should use when repainting a pedestal, I have found that whenever I attend a museum now, I look at what is behind the scenes. What kind of lighting was used? Is their pedestal in place? Is the art in the optimum position? What angle would have been better? Now instead of seeing that museum as a place to learn, I also find it fun to pick apart the exhibitions. To see the tiny details that others would miss, all the way down to how they tucked their chords away for that one lcd display. This project has opened my eyes to a whole new dimension of the art world and museums in general. That is what my product is. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog 23: 2014 Interview

1.  Who did you interview and what house are they in?

Emmely Avila, SOUTH HOUSE

2.  What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?

Either photography or pediatrics because I find them very interesting. Possibly Pediatrics because I have a locked in mentorship for them.

3.  What do you plan to do for your summer 10 hour mentorship experience?

Well, my brother in law works at a hospital so he said I have a guaranteed mentorship there.

4.  What do you hope to see or expect to see in watching the 2013 2-hour presentations?
I really am excited to see how the presentations are set up and how the time is used up.

5.  What questions do you have that I can answer about senior year or senior project (or what additional information did you tell them about senior year or senior project)?

  • Note the question and what you told them.