Monday, June 3, 2013

Blog 26: Senior Project Reflection

1.)  I am most proud of actually a lot of things in my senior project. I feel that having helped curate a show at a museum, having a piece in it, having my photography put into books/ads, and curating a school show has been a successful senior career. I really am happy with the product of my work. (:

       a.) AE
       b.) P

3.)  My mentorship and basically anything that had to do with people in my senior project went really amazingly. I was able to use my people skills and network my way into better jobs at the museum.

4.)  I would have probably changed my entire topic and focused on something that was more interesting in the film industry. It would have been more beneficial for me to have made connections in the industry where I plan to work rather than have to focus on that AND art curating.

5.)  In my future endeavors, I think the whole practice of networking has helped me in the future. Also, being able to say I am published coming straight out of high school is pretty great. I think just being able to be more knowledgeable in this art industry will help me somehow whilst I am off gallivanting with the hoity-toity directors of Hollywood and San Francisco.(:

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